Are You Financially Literate? #Financial_Literacy_Part_1

Umang Thakkar
3 min readFeb 13, 2022


Are you financially literate or just in the illusion of being one?

Let’s check out:

  1. Have you planned for emergency funds?
  2. Have you ever calculated your in-hand income?
  3. Have you ever invested in stocks/bonds/mutual funds or any such instruments?
  4. Are you the one who first thinks of investing and then thinks about spending on wants after being done with it?
  5. If you own any loans, have you ensured that EMI’s doesn’t exceed 40% of your in-hand income?
  6. If you have invested in some particular thing/instrument, have you even checked if its return is more than inflation?

If any of the above questions answer was a “NO” from your end, then my friend, sorry to say that you still have something pending to understand in managing finances and need some more knowledge and hard work to get financially literate.

So what are you waiting for? I am here to share some expert knowledge which will help not only you but also your family, friends and dear ones 😉

I have encountered many people of which few had made some really silly mistakes while others, to be honest, had made big mistakes, and these were worst. Thus I want to ensure that you don’t commit any of them.

Yes, the above list of people also includes me, but I am sure that someday or other we all might have made some kind of such mistakes, but now it’s time to gear up with all types of experience and knowledge so that we never become financial illiteracy pray.

I will publish a series of articles for providing you all with much-needed knowledge for achieving financial literacy and freedom. It will include illustrations, theory, practical, and what not so fasten your set belt and get ready for starting a new life-changing journey.

And yes, I will also give you all some kind of token of completion to all those who will complete the entire financial literacy series.

Below is the FAQ section in which I have assumed that after reading this article, you might have been surrounded by the below questions, so I have already answered them, but if you have some different questions, write in comments, and I will answer them as soon as possible.


  1. How can I receive this so-called token of completion?

Answer: You have to simply read my articles of this series, give me a clap and write a comment if you feel that I have added some kind of knowledge to you and finally if you think that you should share this knowledge with others then I will be happy to see it. And finally, in the last article, I will ask you to submit your medium id (not password 😂) and your mail-id to send you something special.

2. How can I identify that this particular article is a part of the financial literacy series?

Answer: To address this, I will be using something like this #Financial_Literacy_Part_1, #Financial_Literacy_Part_2, so on. But to my advice, you should read my other articles too, as they contain some excellent knowledge.

3. What is this token of completion?

Answer: It’s a surprise, so I don’t want to reveal it now, but I can ensure that it will be something personalized.

4. Is this series only for business and finance people?

Answer: Absolutely a big “NO”, it’s for all ( students, business people, housewife, doing a job, freelancer,…)

Ending Notes

I hope you have enjoyed the article and learned something new that will undoubtedly impact your life positively. I would be delighted if you spare a moment for a clap, and your valuable comment will be a cherry on top of the cake.

You can find me on LinkedIn, and I am also open for discussion on Email.

I will miss you as the most precious reader until the next article comes out. Signing Off “With Love Umang Thakkar”



Umang Thakkar

Freelance Content Writer || Founder and CEO “UDT Finance” || Technology + Finance combo || Cybersecurity