I Want To Be An Entrepreneur #Part-1

Umang Thakkar
6 min readNov 12, 2021


“Today I am happy to announce that the startup which I started just a few years ago is now a huge success. I want to thank my parents, teammates, friends, family and all those who have been through my tough times.”

I have read this kind of statement from many famous startups and upcoming businesses but

  1. Does every startup end up being a multi-billion dollar company?
  2. Are struggles just during the temporary or starting phase?
  3. Does every startup’s name are on the mouth of people?

And much more questions I had within myself. Now where to get these answers?

So I thought let me do an experiment, let me start my own business. But what can I do best? Obviously Investments and Finance

Yes, the above is my business card. But what plans will I be offering?

I wanted to include all kinds of investment assets as well as advisory services. So now it's time for market research so that I can figure out what plans will I actually be providing.

I initially started with my strong points that were Stocks and Mutual Funds Market in that what services people expect and do need for making their investment and how can I try to solve those issues.

From there is where I came to the idea of providing advisory services and fixed return investment schemes. So this part is done, I will provide advisory to all those who want to park their money in Stocks, Bond, Mutual Funds,… and such asserts along with that for those who don’t want to take risks I will give them fix returns something similar to FD ( Fixed Deposit ) but way greater interest than those approx. 2x to 3x where x= FD interest

Now the next thing which came was really unexpected, Insurance Products and Loans. I had never thought to go in those zones but obviously, when I was doing my market research I came to know that private players in the market are taking advantage of people’s needs and providing loans at a very high rate which goes like worth-shipping 10% per month. When I got to know these I actually activated my sources to confirm these things and I also downloaded a few apps from the play store that claimed to provide instant personal loans and was shocked to see the interest percentages as they showed its just 30% yearly but obviously hidden things made them 4.5–6% monthly which means 54–70% per year. So I now wanted to solve this issue a big loophole in the financial system. A new task was added.

Next was insurance products and who doesn’t know how these companies have made people fool in names of hefty premiums and charges. And a huge part actually goes to agents who influenced you to buy those products. Thus I gained the base knowledge in these products and day by day elevated it to supreme and now I was good to provide some great, unbiased policy to my future potential consumers.

Then comes my new love Crypto😍 No don’t take me wrong I am not in some kind of FOMO ( Fear Of Missing Out ). I actually went on from the origin of crypto to how it transformed as an investment asset and now the most buzzing market.

Whatever I have talked about till now is just 1% of my entire journey just like a small trailer or a glance. I would like to continue it further in coming up parts of this series where I will be talking in detail about what should be done and how can you scale things starting from scratch.

To be honest, my work is still ongoing and don’t think it is just a work of a few days, months,… because sorry it’s not as it actually starts from me being at sweet 18😅 and till now. So let me help you clear some misconceptions

  1. Just having an idea is enough
  2. You will receive customers from day 1
  3. You have a mind-blowing idea and product and its THE BEST
  4. It will be cool to write and say that you are an entrepreneur on LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter,… and your friends will see you as an ideal
  5. You will simply approach investors and they will invest a few Crores in your business
  6. You will approach your friends or connections about joining your startup and they will be ready to join you very easily
  7. Your initial hires will be kind not to take any salary
  8. You will soon enter in Forbes Under 30
  9. Your company will soon be the next OYO, TATA, PAYTM, OLA,….
  10. You will transform the entire startup space and will achieve sky

And a lot more. See I am not telling you that the above cases can’t happen but will happen is a misconception. I want you to dive into being an entrepreneur only if you can handle big swings, take up multi-tasks yourself, work day in and night out continuously and finally, you are 500% sure that you really want to do something amazing and transforming and obviously, you are prepared to leave a safe zone.

By seeing videos of successful businesses and their owners you won’t know the real part. Once go through those who couldn’t make through and finally had to be closed.

Also, Google won’t give you the right answer, you will think I am lying so let’s check out

What is Entrepreneurship?

The activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit

To me, it’s completely wrong. Entrepreneurship is the activity that involves solving problems which some common person isn’t able to do, it’s about pouring soul into your work, it’s about those insults which you will face each and every day, it’s about sleepless nights, it’s all about having hell lot of patience, it about working on your dream your passion and your own assert.

Don’t just start something because of some else which may be your relative, friend, favourite YouTuber,… has started his/her own business and they are showing you just the positive side of it.

I know this is a very long article but it's what I wanted to highlight,

Many times by listening the sound and seeing the lights from far they look great but when you reach towards the source you maybe not have the same opinion.

I can also write all great and positive things about entrepreneurship but I don’t want to as there are many videos and articles about it but I want you to see the truth and clear your vision.

Now don’t think I am a negative person and I won’t want you to be on this path, I really want you all to be and I personally am as the details I have mentioned are of my real work and vision to start a business.

I hope you all might have liked my content. Thank you for spearing your valuable time and your claps and comments are most welcome. Along with that if you have any questions or would like to reach out to me then you can contact me via

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/umang-thakkar-90a4a5164/

Email Id: umangthakkar005@gmail

You can also follow and subscribe to me so that you never miss any of my articles.

Now let’s say you need some good financial advice and want to invest some amount in different asset classes or even need someone to manage your portfolio, you can contact me and I will be very happy to help you in any of the cases.

Hope to see you in the coming up parts of this series till then Take Care Be Cool. Signing off your loving Umang Thakkar



Umang Thakkar

Freelance Content Writer || Founder and CEO “UDT Finance” || Technology + Finance combo || Cybersecurity